Pineland M.B. Church, Inc.

What's New?
Meet the Staff
Pineland People on the Move
Calendar of Events
Our History
Music Department
Contact Us
Religious Information
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Pineland M.B. Church, Inc. is located in the beautiful city of Madison, FL.  We believe that we are "A Church Without Walls."  We welcome you to join in on our various outreach ministries and praise and worship services.  We want to hear from you, especially our members.  Please take the time to send us an email.  We take your input seriously.
Rev. Dr. Charlie Barfield, Pastor

Service Schedule
Intercessory Prayer- 9:00 am
Sunday School- 9:45am
Sunday: New Member Orientation - 9:45am
Sunday Worship Servcie- 11:00am
Monday Men's Prayer Meeting-7:00pm
Wednesday: Mid Week Service7:00pm
Thursdays: Choir Practice- 6:30pm
1st Thursday Male Choir-
2nd & 4thThursday Sanctuary Choir
3rd Thursday Youth Choir


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Pineland M.B. Church, Inc. * 205 SE Old County Camp Rd. * Madison, FL * US * 32340


Last updated on 4/23/2009, 4:36:32 PM